a pseudo-photoblog

Posts tagged “colors


You visit the Red Fort at Delhi. . What would you photograph?

If you are an average indian tourist.. (pardon the missing “I was there” snap)

If you are a DSLR toting foreign tourist or an “amateur photographer”..

If you are both of those, and additionally a “genius” πŸ˜‰ ..

Watching colorful Indians, Β their antics and of course, their feet is far more interesting than looking around an over-crowded Mughal building on a scorching May day, ain’t it?

Joblessness and Craziness at an all time High!

The photography bhooooth had got into me for the past couple of days.. (just managed to shoo it off 2day! phew!)

More than the raw eccentricity found in abundance in me, it was the joblessness created by the department’s power cuts and network shutdowns that lead to this craziness! So, its not really fair to blame me for this. . Its the Electricity Board and the server that lead to this.

Night 1 :

What really can I do if the whole floor is enveloped by darkness.. AND.. the LAN is down? No MATLAB experiments, no Wiki site management, no reading papers, no checking if the camera-ready paper is in an acceptable format, no blog reading! Phew. . How my world is entwined with the thing called LAN!! πŸ˜› (If you suggest that I could *think*, or finish writing that paper which I’v been writing for ages now, or jus go back to the hostel and sleep.. Folks. .Pls do remember that I dont understand such logic! )

Well. . Take the camera out, a few glassy things, break apart a glass-bead necklace, use the cell-phone’s smart flash light . . and go clicking πŸ™‚

B-n-B : Buddha and the Beads

B-n-B : Buddha and the Beads

Sepia mutiny : Armed with aperture

Sepia mutiny : Armed with aperture

Night 2 :

Come to lab. . No network connectivity yet :-/

Collect the essentials (read : all that used last night) and go to room..

Now, Debo’s Bday has been more perfect than I realized. . All those gifts and prettily wrapped chocolates mean. .

Yes. . I can click a few more crazy pictures πŸ˜€

Well. . I see that using the correct intensity of flash DOES give nice shots

Well. . I see that using the correct intensity of flash DOES give nice shots

But when the Flash doesnt fetch some effects, a torch at hand is always useful ;)

But when the Flash doesnt fetch some effects, a torch at hand is always useful πŸ˜‰

Day 3 :

Get up in the morning(yes. .for a change!), go to lab . .No network connectivity YET!! x-(

Go back to the hostel. . Use whatever object is in sight and continue the frenzied clicking!

How did I forget that piece of mirror last night? :)

How did I forget that piece of mirror last night? πŸ™‚

Reflective surfaces are simply superb to play with

Reflective surfaces are simply superb to play with

Pink and White : Always a pleasant combination

Pink and White : Always a pleasant combination

Night 3 :

After sleeping and clicking for 2 days/nights, try going to lab again..

Yeaaaah!! Though the power is oscillating between present and absent at a high frequency, somehow, I can connect to the world!!

Amidst reading up and trying a few things with the simulator, write up the pending blog posts πŸ˜‰

P.S. Me suddenly thinks photography is more addicting than research. . Immediate gratification. What u folks say? :-/

Rainbow on my table

This is what comes out of frustration from not finding a catchy solution to a nice problem AND irritation from the mere thought of having to go back to the boring task!!

Color color what color do u choose??!!

Color color what color do u choose??!!

Clarification : No, I am not jobless. .Its just that I hate the task @ hand, though I dont seem 2 have any option other than to complete it :-/