a pseudo-photoblog

Posts tagged “birthday

Its D-day : Its Debo’s Birthday :)

Been busy & unavailable for a few days. Stop! Dont think “Oh, this girl is at it again! How many times should I tell her not to work too much?”…. Cos, I’v done nothing but have fun all the while!

It was debo’s birthday. . We partied in d hostel, ate out @ Chi kitchen and bar (sigh! no one bought wine for me even this time 😦 ), freaked out at Barista etc etc etc!

Everything was super-fun . . Even the horrible grassy-dumplings at Chi, cos it justified the Chicken gang being what it is. . . the “Chicken” gang 😉

Most notably, got video evidence of the hilarious entertainment Debo provided at the Birthday bash . . Can black-mail her for anything with this video now 😀

The pics of things symbolizing major event of the year are in this collage. . Cakes, chocolates, Food, Gift. . Umm. . Looks like Madam Debashree somehow manages to get associated with food all the time 😉

All things tasty/beautiful (the roomies not included for privacy reasons!!)P.S. : The super-cute ganesha was my bday gift 2 my dear roomie. . Though i’m wondering if it was a good idea. . She jus loved it. . BUT!!. .he’s inspiring us. . to sleeeep all day! 😦